One of the global trends of modern business practice has become the protection of rights to industrial property objects, first of all, to trademarks and service marks.

The extent of violations of such rights in cyberspace is difficult to estimate.

Such amount of violations stem from, first of all, the lack of adequate and effective mechanisms for dealing with such violations in classical jurisprudence.

According to expert estimates, in general, the volume of illegal circulation of products in the consumer market is 2.5 trillion rubles. This is about 9% of the total retail circulation and 15% of sales in the retail markets examined.

Today, our company offers our clients quite effective assistance in protecting trademark rights as well as protection against counterfeiting especially which is based on a combination of legal, technical and IT mechanisms that make this work accurate and effectively automatic.

The optimal combination of the use of the modern automatic tools and the individual approach of our experts in the field of law allows you to get a significant economic effect from services in a quite short time.

Our company offers the following range of services in the field of trademark protection as follows:

  • Protection of exclusive rights in the Internet, including copyright protection, domain names protection;
  • Protection of the business reputation of the copyright holder’s company;
  • Detection and blocking malicious sites of violators;
  • Monitoring violations of exclusive rights on the Internet;
  • Technical pre-trial response to unofficial sales of products using the trademark of the rightholder;
  • Technical pre-trial response to the unofficial use of the products with the copyright holder’s trademark revealed as a result of monitoring;
  • Technical pre-trial response to the unofficial use of the copyright holder’s trademark, photos and other materials from the copyright holder’s website revealed as a result of monitoring;
  • Pre-trial work and representation in court proceedings.

If the solution of the mentioned task is relevant for your business, we will be glad to see your organization among the clients of Service-nafta.