An attorney is not only a highly professional legal adviser, whose competence is confirmed by the state, but also a person with extended powers to protect the interests of the client.
The Federal law dtd May 31, 2002 N 63-FZ On Advocacy Activity and Bar in the Russian Federation provides attorneys with additional guarantees and rights that are not granted to other practicing lawyers.

First of all, we are talking about law:

  • to represent the client’s interests in criminal proceedings, which is not available for other lawyers;
  • not to give third parties access to information received from the clientwithin the framework of attorney-client privilege;
  • to require any Russian or foreign persons, including companies andgovernment agencies, to respond to a lawyer’s request

Service-naftaprovides its clients with comprehensive protection of their personaland commercial interests, using all legal guarantees of professionalactivity for attorneys.

‍Beingbound by a non-disclosure agreement with all our employees andpartners, as well as having a reliable system for secure storage ofinformation, Service-nafta ensures the confidentiality for ourpartners’ information.