Today, along with the choice of the main attributes of any type of business activity (name, location, trademark, logo), one of the important conditions for successful business is the choice of a recognizable domain name.
A significant part of cases on protection of the right to a trademark are disputes about the illegal use of the company’s trademark, including in the information and telecommunications’ network (the Internet), in particular, in the domain name of another person.
In accordance with the Rules for Registering Domain Names in .RU and .RF Domains, the one who wants to register a domain name to promote their activities on the Internet is solely responsible for choosing a domain name. These disputes are to be resolved in accordance with local rules.
Disputes over first-level domain names are resolved by international arbitrations in accordance with the Unified Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).
Our legal company has a deep practical knowledge of the specific issues of litigation of domain name disputes in national courts and international arbitrations, as well as appealing and challenging their decisions.